Jayden picnic

January 10, 2017 0 min to read

Tran clan picnic

Category : Travel, Entertainment, News

On the 8th of January 2017 the Tran clan went to Mount Annan Botanical Garden for a picnic. First, we went to my uncle’s house and I played with my cousins on the trampoline. We were waiting for my aunty to come. When my aunty arrived we set off to Mount Annan. When we arrived my dad and grandpa looked for a spot. Then we went to the spot and had lunch. Mount Annan Botanical garden is a huge place with gardens, play grounds, bike tracks, lakes, picnic tables and cafes. After we had lunch I cycled around the bike track and then we had a water fight, it was fun. I cycled some more, by the time I finished two laps we had to go. We had to go to my grand ma’s house to have dinner. I had a great time spending time with my family.

Water gun fight with grandpa

Mt Annan Picnic Food

Jayden picnic

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