
April 23, 2020 0 min to read


Category : News

Even though COVID-19 has taken control of our lives, it doesn’t mean we can’t stay connected with the ones we love!

Ever since the COVID-19 outbreak loads of different companies have made online video conference type of apps and websites and some have been here for a long time. Some of them include:

-Skype (The online video conference app or website which will allow you to stay in touch with people from all around the world.)

-Zoom (Want to make a video call with someone or a group of people, Zoom is great for online learning and/or conference calls.)

-WhatsApp (WhatsApp is an app which can allow you to talk to people from all around the world, similar to Skype.)

Want something less on the tech side? Try writing a letter to someone or making a card, those will definitely brighten someone’s day!

Although these times are tough, there are many ways that we can virtually connect with one another.

Make sure to stay safe and CONNECT with those you love!

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