
January 26, 2017 1 min to read


Category : Reviews, Entertainment, News

On the 15th of January 2017 we had a party and my aunties, uncles, friends and cousins came over for the party. First, we prepared for the party, we set up the tables where all the food was going to be, we mend our bed and assisted my Mum to peel the watercress and wash it. Then my uncles, aunties, friends and cousins started to come. When everyone arrived we had lunch, I had Pasta, Vegetarian Buffalo Sliders and Potato and watercress salad. Then I played with my Uncle Gio, Jacob and Cooper. We played with my Optimus Prime gun. So what we had to do was Uncle Gio had to shoot us with the Optimus Prime gun and the rest of us had to get the bullets until he had no more bullets. After we played we went outside and played with my ball, then we went inside because it was too hot and we relaxed. Then people started to go home but only six stayed for dinner, we had Pizza. On my Pizza, it had Mushroom and Tomato sauce. Once we ate all our Pizza Me, Olivia, Cooper and Zach played some more and then everyone got ready to go home. When everyone left we cleaned up the house and went to sleep. I had fun catching up with everyone today.

Oct gun
Oct gun

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